Thursday 25 January 2018

Robinson Crusoe, as a post colonial text.

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 I would apply the term racism on the text-Robinson Crusoe, as a post colonial text.

                     Crusoe land on an island name it’s the island of despair somewhere British named- other way British name our state Nagaland and our country India.

Cruiser which is Friday about Christianity with the intention of proving his religion superior to the Savage religion.

English is superior that is why Crusoe teach English.
Cruiser teachers Friday how to eat how to speak it's all those things teaching Crusoe even food Manner, clothes manner also.

The culture of the other is barbaric and chaotic anti religions.

Friday is neither Crusoe friend nor he is equal he is he his slave.

Thuse, the novel full of the colonial motifs.
Island of despair colonized Colony. Friday subaltern colonized Crusoe colonizer. Cruise of creation of cultural hegemony.

Ø Racism:

                    In both The Tempest and Robinson Crusoe, we see slavery and racism occur at its most. Both novels involve a character/characters being treated unfairly or as a servant by another character in the novel.

Thank You....

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