Thursday 25 January 2018

Mathew Arnold: The Study of Poetry.

Hello Readers,
Here given links to Classroom Thinking Activities:

My views on these Questions are below, 

1) I think the concept of “Detachment” and “disinterestedness " is appropriate in this time. Because one should not be judgment before the whole knowing or understanding of concept. Poet should keep away him/her feelings, emotions, sympathy, in your mind.

2) Arnold is “Touch Stone method “if we talk about his method, it is irrelevant to any of period or time. Because, every work or word has it's moral value, own charm and it can never judged to single think. Everybody has different perspective to study thing. Then it is not true one is write and other is wrong it doesn’t mean because every has one moral value, reality, impotent. Hear we apply thing for example , ancient time in folk-story of " Blind people and an elephant " in the story we see many different perspective it is true on elephant , because he/she blind then h/she feel then speak . In this story we gain the moral message everyone has moral code.

Thank you.

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