Friday 30 March 2018

Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad's

Hello Readers,
What in the novel main aspect is that, here explain.


        We see everything thorough the narrator’s Marlow’s eyes who calls the people of Africa “creatures” as if they were not human, they were not good enough for the Europeans, and “savages” which also represents the opinion of the civilised Europe where everything is better; Europeans are enlightened, educated, technologically and scientifically advanced, cherish art and literature. Europe and it’s culture is seen as the bright light, the future of humankind as opposed to savage, ignorant, primitive Africa where there is no future and only the darkness prevails:
 “I felt as though, instead of going to the centre of a continent, I were about to set off for the centre of the earth“The barbarism of the natives reinforces the effect of these descriptive passages and intensifies the atmosphere of mystery and fear. Reading about the natives, we get an even stronger impression that we are in the midst of darkness.

Thank You.............

Works Cited

2018. 29 1 3. 25 3 2018 <>.

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