Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Children’s Literature and Harry Potter.

Hello Readers,
Here my view regarding classroom Thinking Activity on Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling. 


Children’s Literature and Harry Potter: How far does J K Rowling transcends the canonical confines of children’s literature and claims the heights of ‘real’ literature?


                   As we see that harry potter is children’s literature because over all there is use of fantasy. We can’t find all those things real word. But we observe minutely so we find that there is also some kind of reality or can say realistic literature from children’s literature. We know that children's literature the text is Harry potter. Children and those characteristic we see in Harry Potter and other characters are growing from childhood to adulthood and in that literature is growing from children to adult learner apart from the fantasy level.

                  Fantasy fanciful ideas without major concern of reality, wishful thinking is common in children's literature of Joy, emotions, magical life.  There is a school of magicians even beyond something that is real all together on real well. Which is created by JK Rowling fanciful story aura fantasy kind of world is created which no one in reality we find those things.
                 If we think that what is children literature? What is his characteristic? So it is not simple as it is and straightforward, but children's literature it has the complexity many things. Perhaps we can’t find that entire thing on one single reading or watching so for that understating we have to first wear literature glass. For Re- reading rethinking will be required some face also. So though it is a one Level children's literature simplistic but still at Upper level we find something that is not near for children's it is not too simple as children know easily. Therefore let’s see that how in children’s literature (harry potter) become real literature.

                    Gulliver's Travels and Charles Dickens novel Oliver Twist For example we see that “Gulliver's Travels begins with children's story but we see beyond that reality of society also we see the real people beyond somewhere.” when we watch this all things we feel that somebody suddenly come and Harry Potter will be saved Hermione Granger will be save. Whenever we see this literature we find that so somewhere some magical person will come and this people will be saved so it’s children idea.


                    So real and fantasy how they combine together, snake can listen human voice and talk fanciful ideas. But shaving of emotions is real as such understood. Harry say’s that what is it liar down that and what kind of trouble you facing, because I am also facing same thing Harry Potter sympathize with that is mad because they almost leaving the same life. In the home with that relatives there and tress feeling is real and what are talking is fanciful. So that way he differentiate or we see that how writer mingles real with fancy.

                    So very interesting lessons children's literature review so Dumbledore is there to give some Universal messages. that kind of things is right JK Rowling also gives where is significant message that here he says that “happiest man on the earth is one who will see himself in the mirror, if you do not have any dream or desires you are all full fill with yourself.” so you see yourself as you are happiest man satisfying whatever it is otherwise is lacking something desired. Who says who is happiest man happiest is one who having seeing oneself as it is without any other kinds of things?

                   So here we will find the problem in children's point of you he goes beyond the realistic into the fantasy. Where in fantasy is this character possible but not so in Real world we. In the time Voldemort come. He Not have in his body also so he lives in head of well there and looking for stone. He gets stone he become more powerful he is Nights drinker blood the blood of Unicorn rare horse in the world. Whenever he drinks blood he gets some life so that's why he is wondering at night drinking feeling those Unicorn and drinking the blood and looking for the stone become more powerful. Ron and Hermione Granger and Harry potter is display courage at right moment comes in a life. So it in a way interesting lessons Children's and other people that every day.

Thank You....

Works Cited

Rowling, J K and Rowling. Children Drama. <https://literature.britishcouncil.org/writer/j-k-rowling>.

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