Sunday, 31 December 2017

Introduction to Education, Technology and ELT

·         Hello Readers,
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·         Video - 1: Sir Ken Robinson: Changing Paradigm.
                                Ken Robinson speak about overall education system  and why there is a need for change . Every country on the earth reforming their education system, information is happening everywhere. We can't go back backward reformation . Ken Robinson who is criticize American education system.
                            Reformation is important to there is one thing that economics, very fast jobs are changing and money dynamics are changing very quickly. And another is about the culture . Education system make people better that is prime. And third globalization  happen world is becoming smaller and because of Technology. we start fighting with each other a lot and most of our fight which are we don't understanding culture all issues of how culture different .
                          Globalization tries to disintegrate, the wall between culture and Nations and national identity convert into Global identity .This observation Ken Robinson say that globalization will force us to teach several things, in the more open way and people should be ready to accept ideas coming from worldwide. In different capacities which kind of a openness narrowness  should not have in all those things .
                        In the video there Past is that we going college, we get a degree, we get a job, which are there so in this environment job. supposed to not give where they are give things is to change, in different way. And how people can be innovative and thinking different way and try out several other things . Academic people non academic how it came academic people are doing good job white collar jobs and non academic people are doing servant. This is very old made model and caves in the world it doesn't work at all today .
                   There is also Attention deficiency hyperactivity disorder ADHD . Attention disorder Ken Robinson says that modern academic modern problem a d h d misplace .Here the example of class room were teacher teaching and says that make your built and focus.
There is one teacher and lots of things divert .
                  He says factory model at exactly how schools are design ringing Bells and time to come and time to go modern times remember and there is people first frame is changing herd of people going time to come and machine line keep on working . Factories are producing unemployable young people . That kind of messages also.
                He spoke about divergent thinking it is different from creativity, and then he tried to explain our education system should promote a divergent thinking not linear thinking. it is not even creativity something. Lots of possible answer to a question capacity to see this . It opposes to question has one answer and one truth.
              Ken Robinson says, the best of learning happen with grow. when we look  or when we judge isolation. for example, exam system exam always judge in isolation , Ken Robinson give overview of historical to the academic. that is a recent one and that tries to changing Paradigms. how we can look that education in variety of way freedom. we are going to  How old a long isolated how I am for performs . So this way give but there are limitations and there are issues of practices. having of Institution that is very difficult to give freedom to the people . 

·                     Video 2:Sugata Mitra: School in the cloud- SOLE.
  • Video 3: Sugata Mitra: Future of Learning.
                      Ted talk  build school in cloud, very famous Ted Talk.   sugata Mitra, he is successful research work is,  Hole In The Wall he was working in Delhi University. he teacher of Physics and Technology, and started experimenting near the slums in Delhi. In the wall he put one computer and then, he observe was there happen so that a slum children started coming and learning own. two and three kids comes under starting, operating computer and automatically they started learning. And then they started teaching another fellow also Peer learning. The younger one are teaching older one . So pyramid are breaking education for all tumbling down the pyramid structure now that its happen .
                        He get the idea that learning happening with on own. it's own and he started this project event throughout India. where is remote classes and very difficult topics given on this by students, this is the topic here is internet find this answers and then surprisingly students are able to find the answer. started working project and teamwork language . He took this project England so just give the rise of ideas that  can  learning an happen with its own.

                     Sugata Mitra says that now, we have to calculator which can arithmetic things why do we burden our brains . Future of learning ideas SOLE self organized learning environment.

                           What is required SOLE self organized learning   environment.  is broadband collaboration teamwork and encouragement admiration. some kinds of likes like symbol that,  is required that so essentially. we required space where is internet high speed internet is necessity is all environment and people will be doing some kinds of collaboration. Where people physically near remotely anywhere talking and doing also. He says that future of learning ,should like teacher just give question just sit down and appreciate everybody is answers so asking the question is very big skills and questions as we say down the centuries knowledge can only be acquired if we have questions question come if we have doubt several things .
He talking Himalayan mountains with all children’s and he says that I have dreams that all kids should how tablets and mobile phones . And he says what should I do .

·                     Video 4:Salman Khan: Let's use video to reinvent education

Salman Khan says, people will learn better way from videos then from books. that is his main argument . There are lots of ideas about technology videos flipped learning blended learning this way integration. Bill Gates ask several questions of Salman model of courses near about video games. He  taken from video games as soon as we do something we get. And then we cross level then there is Bache .

Video 5: Marc Prensky: Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants 

                Mars Prensky, digital natives digital immigrate by mass transfer, it is Digital immigrant long like all immigrant. some better than other tools adapt to their environment they always written to some degree. there  that is there food in the past the digital immigrant absent can be seen in such things as turning to the internet for information second rather than first of in reading the menu for program. rather than assuming that the program itself will teacher to use it today's weather for well socialized differently, from their kids and are now in the process of learning a new language and language learners letter in life scientist. Telugu into a different part of the brain there are hundred of example of digital immigrant absent they include printing out your email or having your secretary print it out for you and even thicker Ascent needing to print out a document .

Video 6: David Crystal: The Effect of New Technologies on English : 

                         David Crystal and support the argument that new technologies, rather than degrading (as some would argue) the English language actually enhance it, as they facilitate new pursuits by developing a new style of the English language. We find Crystal's observations about the influence on language of a particular technological medium very interesting.
                          And also the idea of how a very minor change in a question, or sentence expecting a response, can so very dramatically influence the response itself and the language used. It is also noteworthy what Crystal says about the timescale of observing the influence of technologies like the internet, and how it will take a very long time for us to actually see any prominent changes to the structure of the language- that it could be a relatively temporary phenomenon, but that we will not know for certain for a long .

Video 7: David Crystal: The Biggest Challenge for English Language Teachers in the times of Internet:
Video 8: David Crystal: Texting is 'Good' for English Language:
                             Teaching language change no question that is difficult always has been the difficulty with teaching, but its particularly a difficulty now given now that language is changing so fast is changing for tourism. one reason the internet which is indeed festering new varieties and new word. experience faster than ever before we know in the old day if you invented a new world It could generation before the rest of the world, knew about that new world.

                            If  invent a new word today and put it on Face book everybody knows about it within, 24 hour less language is moving faster in teachers have good to keep plus with this because they students are already a head of them.  must have had this experience you know the kind of language did you use all the time every day. weather its English or any Serbian or whatever it's often not the language that your teachers know. because they are  Generation older and they are just not familiar with it until  tell them and this is the sort of things that is happening to going to happen to our students we see in course new slang new words new expressions. are going to come in the other big trade in language change is the globalization of English. The fact of the matter is that we and  students will go out into the big wide world and encounter found, in the English language well if you have been teaching your students that there is only one kind of English.

                            And that is British English and the only kind of ascent is received pronunciation. which is the ascent of the queen and so on.  
                           Technology and texting brought abbreviation in language. But it is only 10 percent other 90 percent language is standard English. In language the more one read and write, the more one can expertise it. And mobile and computer can be very useful for that.

Thank You!!!

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