Why are two scenes of Lulu omitted from the movie?
According to me, In the film version of the birthday
party he omitted scene between Lulu and act . The audience would focus on the
character of a woman, who was abused by men. and she would have been judged as victim,
rather than the protagonist . In this film is not unnecessary scene.
There is no way of
knocking what printers actually motivation was in clipping lulus role . One
possible explanation is that he probably felt that lulus reappearance in act
three was only distracting the attention of the audience from Stainless
impending Doom point however there might have been ways to integrate Lulu more
organically into the play .
2 ) Is movie successful in giving us
the effect of menace? Where you able to feel it while reading the text?
Yes, In both the play and the film seems to be a
trivia. The opening conversation between Mag and petey .
3) Do you feel the effect of lurking
danger while viewing the movie? Where you able to feel the same while reading
the text.
In the film, we find several times the knocking the door is lurking danger, And entire sequence is frightening. who is coming inside and somebody coming in inside and shouting. who is this? who is coming? the person showing a such a way do not identify revel little a bit of frightening.
4) What do you read in 'newspaper' in the movie? Petey is reading
newspaper to Meg, it torn into pieces by McCain, pieces are hidden by Petey in
last scene.
Newspaper, is a symbol of Reality or hide of
mask or reading is power. Inside
the somebody is coming afraid of people most of the place, or writer tries to
do that in the movie releasing the play. begins there is a somebody's knocking the door,
and Mac ask him who is there? who is
there? but nobody reply.
5) Camera is positioned over the head of McCain when he is playing
Blind Man's Buff and is positioned at the top with a view of room like a cage
(trap) when Stanley is playing it. What interpretations can you give to these
positioning of camera?
In the camera
movement is first long short, of full room. And everybody was trapped inside
the room. And then camera close-up upon the man’s Buff, then goes on.
6) "Pinter restored theater to its basic elements: an
enclosed space and unpredictable dialogue, where people are at the mercy
of one another and pretense crumbles." (Pinter, Art, Truth & Politics: Excerpts from the 2005 Nobel
Lecture). Does this happen in
the movie?
Yes, with some
exceptions it happens in the movie. Everybody shows care and love for each
other, for example Lulu, Meg and Petey shows care towards Stanley but at the
end when Stanley is in problem no one helps or even cares.
7) How does viewing movie help in better
understanding of the play ‘The Birthday Party’ with its typical characteristics
(like painteresque, pause, silence, menace, lurking danger)?
Movie helps us in better
understanding because, it gives more effect to menace. in the film, Pinter’s
exact shift is from where to where? Pinter’s shift from an emphasis on people
in the play to an emphasis on things in the film is at the least a painteresque of the play.,
8) With which of the
following observations you agree:
o “It probably wasn't possible to make a
satisfactory film of "The Birthday Party."
o “It's impossible to imagine a better film
of Pinter's play than this sensitive, disturbing version directed by William Friedkin”[3]. (Ebert)
I agree with the following observation:-
““It's impossible to imagine a better film of Pinter's play than this sensitive, disturbing version directed by William Friedkin”..
““It's impossible to imagine a better film of Pinter's play than this sensitive, disturbing version directed by William Friedkin”..
9) If you were director or screenplay writer, what sort of
difference would you make in the making of movie? Who would be your choice of
actors to play the role of characters?
The movie is quite disturbing and excellent in
a way. I don’t think I would like to make such film.
Thank You……..
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