Thursday 5 April 2018

Review on Language Lab.


 Hello Readers
Here my review on Language Lab.


History of Language Lab?



                          language laboratory we can see the word obviously this word is in a way a  normal but  some of the ask or we heard that a tricky way that Laboratories, are of Sciences, that can be a Chemistry, laboratory, Biology, Laboratory, can language, That is very difficult because language is something that is world itself for laboratory of language.. we can't confine language is a small laboratory and artificial experiment. If it is done in the language and experiment has equal important work. On or not that is not going to happen.

                                      Laboratory is more scientific. Where is language how many teams Humanities topic. It in a way nothing to do with Sciences, so how do we solve the issue language laboratory. We come down the error of linguistic, linguistic area now linguistic is not exactly area of the human. It is it is only it become science of study. Study of the language it also scientific way of looking observing studying language. We put that area linguistic means science in a language that way. We try to understand and read which given the contact.

                      Laboratories require specific kind of infrastructure; require several types of infrastructure language. If we want to teach or artificial in a way we don't require any structure or infrastructure. Teacher is a best infrastructure best model of teaching the language or language learning. Teacher himself is best we don't require any kinds of tools. in a sense there is in a way don't require that also only oral communication and language can be deliberately it's possible that way also basic skills .

What is language Lab?


                             So it is like network of computer along with appropriate software, which provides most of the functions and conventional language lab together, integration of video, other computer components application, that is what language lab is.

                          First what is the conventional language lab? For example, if visit in shamaldas college in Bhavnagar very old language laboratory. For many years to live there are different compartments in the room compartments. Where person can sitting and table and partition in between and in there in their compartment in will small cassette liar cassette player cassette is also out of date now.

                 Cassette player ,microphone, headphone. Language laboratory these are conventional language laboratory. That way articulates computers. Now computer network. It's become necessary a server is attached which attach with so many other computers so there is a land network in the lab.

                             Laboratory are full of equipment, there are lots of equipment and other things. Another challenging comes in a way, why so many things are required? How can we answer this or what is the gains off remind laboratory four learning process, why not only one teacher and work out and do that?

Answer that is found teacher is very much important role model for ideal teacher element ,  of the language not all teacher are very good of good language, I thought a good in speaking one of the things and another not good also.

                                           Why we require Technology for whatever we do in Academy, weather for teaching literature for testing for evaluating for any things. What is Deep Purpose that purpose is very clear which should be more satisfying, and fielding the better result also. It gives us the result.

                        Digital language laboratory is a viable in a situation digital overview. That how we came down on form of the digital technology, from language laboratory edition, invention of phonograph, from that to gramophone to that case set radio, television, is obviously not mention.

Features of language lab:


Fundamental language skills
Listening Skills
Reading Skills
Grammar Skills
Writing Skills



Language lab programme self-paced, because it has self-learning feature.
It is highly interactive, and also learner centred.
Students can build on their existing experiences and gain further knowledge of computers, while learning in the computer language lab.

Practicing with systems, software and new applications enhances exportable skills.

The more experience students have with computer technology, the more successful they will be in the “real world”.

The use of a language learning system encourages students to talk freely and lose their inhibitions when talking in front of their peers. Lab systems tend to make students more anonymous.

Students are supposed to independent learner, that they don't depend upon a teacher also that one of the how students become independent learners the seeker of knowledge, assimilated of information sharing of information, gathering knowledge.

                        How they learn top skills that also is very important. They which require many other things.

                         So language laboratory language it should be taught by person to the person that is the best method of doing, two things teacher remains very good role model in case the limitation official human beings overcome then do we require some machine some tools where is It's become very important

                     Native speaker are best speaker of English language. Whatever variety this week native speaker means those who have mother tongue is English or first language.

                    As one its means Language lab eats allows of that expose our students living in very remote villages. not only big cities so speaker of native language and that can be exposed through language laboratory and listen the voice and that can articulate that way whether they do that or not is another purpose .

                 When students is operating a software for PC ultimately the accessing a server, whatever they do, get save in server not in their individual stand alone PC. Teacher sitting there and monitor that everybody.   What doing? Teacher doesn’t have to go each and every bench. You have done they don't have to do. 

                 The establishment of the language laboratory is main purpose is digitalisation education skill, enhancement students acquire skill. It's become self learner and all those boards ideas ways that kinds of things.


 It demands power- electricity and good quality cables. 

It is very expensive to set up the language lab in country like India. There is no lab syllabus and usually language classes are conducted as theory.
 Moreover, the lab can engage maximum of 60 students hence space is also difficult for school, these days student does not have enough patience to listen to pronunciation and practice them so the recording of pronunciation is useless.

The ministry of education should consider allocating funds to set up as well as maintenance of language lab. If all these basic problems can be solved only then we can think of implementing language lab in our curriculum.


                 The Language lab In the current digital age, we are all connected regardless of the geographic distance. It is also important that the layout of the lab is conducive for effective communication and monitoring of the students. As strong communication skills are essential in almost all of the professional careers, language lab can help in acquiring this important skill.

                 Thank You........


Wednesday 4 April 2018


 Hello Readers
Here my Interpretation on online discussion, According to my Understanding.


                 The issues like liberals, nationalism, populism, intellectual honesty and many more are widely used terms in cultural study, without that we cannot understood cultural study in better way. Mario Vargas Llosa explains this concept in his book the cave of the tribe. He argues in favour of liberal thoughts in reference to seven influential authors in this book. These men belong to a school of thoughts where the individual was seen as an autonomous and responsible being, and freedom is the supreme asset in this school of thought.


                   Mario Vargos Llosa is a Peruvian writer, politician, journalist, essayist and college professor. He is one of Latin America's most significant novelists and essayists, and one of the leading writers of his generation. Some critics consider him to have had a larger international impact and worldwide audience than any other writer of the Latin American Boom. In 2010 he won the Nobel Prize in Literature, "for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual's resistance, revolt, and defeat.



Liberals it means a person liberal views, or can say liberal it means who think freely and want to freedom. Why it has been targeted to only ideology. So we can find that ideological people believe that liberal thought, it is not so good it is harm our ideology like in India. Many celebrations don’t allow celebrating in India. because ideological group of people might be think that it is attack on our culture.  Like all day's Valentine's days, etc.



Mario speaks about nationalism is a kind of racism. He says that if we belonging to certain country. Nation, race, religious, or value, in itself. We are superior to other that kind of mentality which people have. For example, in India we find that when election time going on at that time we find nationalism very well with post truth, any political party will make us to do the work forcefully. Whether we want or not but to do it so that way Mario speak.

                        Nationalism and racism, Vargas Llosa recognises a single culture shared by all the Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America. He also views Latin America as a part of the West by virtue of language and history. In his essay on the Enlightenment, Mokyr shows how its innovative ideas, such as the belief in that.

Political correctness is the enemy of freedom: 


Political correctness means one must speak in favour of power. if anybody speak against of power so government says that you are Anti National so they might be give punish to killed  also. Or staying like this way leave the country now you. 

Intellectual honesty: 


Intellectual honesty with connected states that binary opposition we see democracy as a mediocre system. Tailored beauty perfection ideologies and great intellectuality. ideology may not be considered intellectual honesty. For example in white tiger by Aravind Adiga says satire on against power.



                    Populism shatters democracy is from within populism. That is a main issue of populism.



Technology is in a way good but sometimes it is spoiling by fake news and post truth. Or can say that many lies speak by media literacy, news television. For example death of Shri Devi what happen, what kind of news than television deliver to us. 

Thank You......

Friday 30 March 2018

What is Literature.

 Hello Readers,

Here my interapeitation on How Literature Shape me? 


What is Literature?


                        Many times I have come across this question. It’s a simple one, yet very confusing. There are a lot of definitions on this question. However, I believe that the answer is a subjective one, since each person has its own way of understanding literature. What is Literature?  The simple truth is that” there is no satisfactory answer but it is possible for us to say that works of art “Give an insight into reality is the imitative theory holds

                      I asked to answer on this question, I understand literature as a magic that allows us to escape from reality, from our everyday life and sends us in another reality, sometimes showing someone else’s life. The key for this magic to work is the arrangement of word.

                      Actually, it’s all about words when it comes to literature. In some cases, no matter how good is the writer’s idea, if it’s not well-constructed, the piece is not a work of literature because a real literature is enjoyable and pleasing.

                     I would like to compare literature to Rubin’s cube – if words are not on the place where they would fit perfectly enough to stir reader’s imagination, the magic won’t work.

Definition of literature:
According to Robert Frost said,” Literature is a performance in words”

How Literature shape me?

                      First of all I clarified that the shaping is not five or six year idea, it is life long process. Experiences will make  human  shape.  According to me literature is like “Allegory “I find that this sense of confusion and search for self-discovery is a common theme.  I am confident that is one that I will be satisfied with.  Thus far, in my opinion Literature in all forms is everywhere in today’s society, and with this idea, it is clear just how important it is.  Whether it is studied in the classroom, read for pleasure or purpose, literature is a central part of many lives. 

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                    It offers not only a chance to enlighten a person, but it also gives the chance to broaden one’s horizons and perspectives.  In my case, having the opportunity to study literature in two different languages has helped me to find similarities in two different cultures, and to also find that although literature varies in form and content, it is important and it is a central part of many lives." It also gives us to morality and also delight, freedom, and mental relief from Bondage.


                 Literature provides a link with cultural, geographical, and philosophical ideas.   Literature also presents opportunities to learn about the desires and struggles of other individuals, thereby better comprehending our own desires and struggles.  Through reading literature, we gain a wider perception and increased knowledge and understanding.

                First, i have  kind of argument in which some people do not like literature because they think it is not true, just made up, not real life. They would say science and history are true; they deal with life; they are real. Therefore, they would say there are no Very good literature, except that of science and history. It is NOT TRUE! Normally they are student of B.B.A and C.A. so they tell me that what you studying in literature? You are studying It’s all Past? After completing what will you doing next? With History!! I gave only simple answered that you don’t get it. You have to become a student of literature after that you will understand, otherwise you don’t get. So come back on point that how literature shapes me.

                        Even though I am studying literature since 5 year text and theories .which I have studying in M.A has affected Shape me more as compares B.A. while reading literature my focus was largely on aesthetic or can say base on happy ending novel.

                     In  while studying a novel namesake, heart of Darkness, Moby Dick ,or Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, ghashiram Kotwal, the bluest eye ,or far from madding crowd, at that time in my mind don't have any theory or approaches  like feminism, deconstruction, racism, subaltern identity or don't  know critic  even  Plato, Aristotle, Wordsworth, derrida ,  Saussure .  So mind is like empty because without applying theory literature becomes incomplete. 
                   When i look at on M.A study so it is more affected to me. The study is begin with is Shakespeare's Hamlet and study concluded with sense of an ending by Julian Barnes. In between lots of theory cultural studies, American study, African study, modernist study, postmodern, postcolonial study, new literature, romantic literature, criticism theory, English language teaching,  mass media communication, many things taught study. So all this in my mind and now the society which is to be seen. So when i look at society through the literature glasses it always leads towards doubting and questioning. even any incidence happen day to day life in society , so i can't forget literary charecter like hamlet, what thay doing in life. what happen with ophelia, all incident come in mind. so my point is that literature gives us to reality.

                I also see the very important difference between truth and fact. it's opposite Fiction and lies , In Literature and author will cause his characters to behave in a certain, way because he accepts truth and knows certain facts. and he is always concerned about how truth and fact related to each other.

                 Sophocles, Dante, Milton Thomas Hardy at once spring to mind as a writer strong conscious of the everlasting war of good against Evil.

                Literature should use Hamlet phrase hold the mirror up to nature it is reflecting some thought or feeling. Which we immediately recognised as being true to life it should be life and Honey Singh as a Matthew Arnold said of poetry a criticism of life.

               When we look it on criticism some theories of literature.
Most theories of literature in the world can be put into this three classification which can be called imitative expressive and effective.

               The imitative or normative theory in this theory politics Greek figure Aristotle says for example that tragedy is an imitation of an action that is serious and complete............!) 
The imitative theory of fun include the notion that art gives us not only pleasure, but knowledge inside into the nature of reality the happening in the novel. or on the stage not only seems to resembles two things in real life but they also clarify real life making us say yes people are like that but I had not  he said it before.

When we look at Wordsworth ideas about expressive theory.

                     Two quotation from William Wordsworth will make this theory clear poetry he said is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" The poet's job is to treat of things not is there but is this seems to exist to the sense and the patient.


                  I agree with it. I shouldn't expect this from literature.
Because it is something that you observe and absorb that how to live a life with better understanding of other people as well as society as a whole. It will bring change WITHIN yourself, which may not be visible, but reflects in your behaviour as well as in your way of approaching the world. But my intention was just to convey what i truly feel after reading this much literature.

Thank You.........